Collaborative research is a priority in the School of Pharmacy. Research initiatives are coordinated by Dr. Aleda Chen, Assistant Dean overseeing Assessment and Research, in coordination with the Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences department chairs. Each faculty member is expected to engage in research that will advance the profession of pharmacy or enhance his or her teaching effectiveness, with internal and external development opportunities provided for faculty to develop their research expertise. Faculty utilize internal and external support for their research, and often collaborate with other professions, organizations, and academic institutions.
Students engage in research initiatives during the professional program, working on a three-year longitudinal research project. Working in teams and a faculty advisor, they design and complete a research project in the pharmaceutical, practice, or social and administrative sciences. As part of these projects, students present their proposals in an interdisciplinary session. Student research initiatives culminate in a project presented their third year of the professional curriculum, and many groups present these projects at state and national pharmacy meetings as well as pursue publication of their work. Those who wish to further their research ambitions may work with faculty on projects. Examples of student research opportunities include: cancer, biologic, and natural product drug development, medication therapy management outcomes research, clinical pharmacy outcomes research, and educational research. For more information on faculty research, click on an area of interest to the left.
Questions about Cedarville University School of Pharmacy research? Please contact: Aleda Chen