One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Female student works on an assignment in class



Mission of Institutional Assessment

The mission of assessment and student learning at Cedarville University is to encourage and promote a culture of assessment for the entire learning community. This is done by providing information and technical expertise to facilitate continuous improvement of student learning, developing and disseminating best practices, and maintaining a systematic and systemic collection of student learning assessment data used to engage the campus community in reflection and action on continuous program improvement.


  • Coordinate and support annual cycle of assessment of programs and general education
  • Conduct surveys of various constituencies
  • Oversee departmental and program planning
  • Report regularly findings to appropriate administrative and faculty committees
  • Share findings with students and other stakeholders

Program Assessment Process

Creating a culture of assessment fuels continuous improvement that benefits both the University and students. There are many reasons to engage in student learning outcomes assessment, including:

  • Assessment provides input for the improvement of student learning
  • Assessment helps faculty be more intentional in how they teach
  • Assessment provides assurance to the University’s stakeholders that:
    • We know what we are doing
    • We are good at what we do

At the beginning of each academic year, every school and academic department at Cedarville University prepares an assessment plan for each major program housed within the unit. Ideally, every student learning outcome is evaluated by two assessment measures: an entry level assignment and an upper level assignment. The academic unit analyzes the results and conveys the analysis in an assessment report at the end of each academic year. These reports are submitted to the Office of Assessment and Accreditation Services via OneDrive under Assessment Shared\20XX-XX Assessment\{ School or Department folder}.

The assessment report contains an analysis of the data with noted differences between entry and upper level student achievement, identifying areas that fall below given benchmarks and those that reach or exceed them. The report closes the feedback loop by suggesting ways in which the program plans to make improvements based on the analysis of these data. The goal is to improve student success and to assure the adequate academic support for retention, persistence, and completion. Faculty work together to use the assessment plans and reports to improve the quality of each program.


Steps in the Program Assessment Process:

  1. Make sure Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) are SPECIFIC and MEASURABLE
    • SLOs should be written in terms of what the student will learn, not in terms of what the instructor will accomplish. (i.e. “Student will be able to…”)
    • It is preferable to use direct measures; however, indirect measures may also be used.
      • Direct (exam, paper, case study, etc.)
      • Indirect (survey, student evaluations, etc.)
      • Measures should align with the student learning outcome.
      • Use the Assessment Capture Tool (ACT) located under myCU, Curricular Transactions to capture writing, speaking, and/or critical thinking rubric data.
  2. Decide which COURSES best represent student learning for each outcome
  3. Decide which ASSIGNMENTS within the course best measure each outcome (use Canvas assignment titles to indicate assignments).
  4. Create or use existing RUBRICS or other measurement to assess the identified assignments.
  5. Complete the PLAN for assessment based on those courses and assignments.
  6. SUBMIT completed plans and reports to the Office of Assessment and Accreditation by placing it in OneDrive under Assessment_Shared\20XX-XX Assessment\{ School or Department folder}.
    • Assessment plans are due on Assessment Day in September of the current academic year.
  7. IMPLEMENT current academic year plan for assessment.
  8. Compile DATA and ANALYZE
    • Assessment results analysis and feedback reports are due on Assessment Day in September of the next academic year
  9. Make evidence-based CHANGES to course or program as appropriate.
  10. Please contact the Office of Assessment and Accreditation Services for assistance during the year.


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